TuxOnIce in the official Fedora Kernel?

Josh Boyer jwboyer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 11:31:53 UTC 2009

On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 10:32:40AM +0200, Andreas Schneider wrote:
>I'm using Fedora on two laptops for quite some time now (since F8).
>Having used suspend-to-disk very often I can conclude, that I'm not
>happy with the performance it shows. Suspending a laptop with just
>1GB of memory takes about 30 to 60 seconds here and nearly the same
>for resuming. The same laptop on Windows (sorry ;-)) got it done in
>about 10 seconds each.
>What I did some time ago, was to switch to the TuxOnIce[1] patched
>kernels from atrpms. Not only does TuxOnIce show a progressbar (even
>with splash if wanted) during suspend and resume, it also handles
>the process in the expected 10 to 15 seconds.
>Since Fedora patches the Kernel anyway, I propose adding TuxOnIce

It's patched very minimally.  The two largest items are execshield
and utrace.  Aside from that, patches actually tend to be fixes, not

>(also known as Suspend2) into the official Fedora Kernel. It doesn't
>hurt those who don't use suspend-to-disk anyway but benefits those
>who do.
>Also it could probably rather easy be integrated with Plymouth to
>show a nice animation during suspend and resume. (Though that would
>be optional :-P)

I think the best option is for either TuxOnIce to get into the
kernel.org kernel, or to fix the problems with the existing suspend

>I hope you take at least the time to consider it for a few moments.

I won't speak for the Fedora kernel team, but I can't see them really
wanting to add this.


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