RFC: re-enable auto loading of floppy driver when the PNP info says there is a floppy

Hans de Goede hdegoede at redhat.com
Wed Apr 14 08:01:51 UTC 2010


Ok, I think I just had an idea which might solve this in a way
that makes everyone happy, without depending on people getting their
BIOS settings right.

How about we drop die-floppy-die.patch, so that the driver will autoload
again, and then add a script to initscripts that checks if any
floppy drives were detected, and if not, then it blacklists the floppy
driver ?

This way we only get the boot delay caused by the floppy driver probing
(in case of no floppy) once (on the first boot), and we make the floppy
drive work out of the box for people who still have and use one.



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