Distro kernel update

Genes MailLists lists at sapience.com
Thu Sep 1 16:01:13 UTC 2011

On 09/01/2011 09:44 AM, Josh Boyer wrote:
> (Yes, we are aware of the fact that some people want to stick with F14
> to avoid Gnome3.  That's outside of the scope of the kernel and we
> really don't want to discuss it here.)

 Thanks for the update and thoughts.

  I'd just add that the fear of gnome-3 is, or perhaps should be, less
of an issue. We have KDE, LXDE, XFCE etc - everyone I know has dropped
Gnome and moved to something else - and this only impacts laptop/desktop
setups. F15 on the desktop/laptop is moving ahead nicely I think.

 Rather, I think it is the fear of systemd not yet being reliable (on
F15 anyway), especially for network coupled services being started at
boot without human interaction, that is likely the bigger concern. This
is slowing F15 adoption on non-desktop/server type setups.

 Testing systemd on laptop/desktop - gives folks the opportunity to
explore how well systemd is working and to enjoy the newer kernels.

 Since we're not supporting upstart in F15, it does make sense to try
and move 2.6.40 onto F14 to hold folks until they get more comfortable
(presumably F16) that systemd will be trustworthy for standalone boxes.

  It seems feasable so to me, but does require updates to mdadm,
module-init-tools, procps and Mesa (and maybe more). If I remember
rightly, I needed those to test newer kernel on F14.

 Also, is running beautifully for me on F15 - auto sched is
rather brilliant - esp when compiling -j8 (or whatever) .. thank you!


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