4.0 final, 4.1 merge window, and us

James Harrison jamesaharrisonuk at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 16 10:17:00 UTC 2015

I took the src RPM from rawhide and compiled it in F21 x86_64..

Would this be useful to anyone other than me?

Best regards,
James Harrison

On Tue, 14/4/15, Josh Boyer <jwboyer at fedoraproject.org> wrote:

 Subject: 4.0 final, 4.1 merge window, and us
 To: "Kernel Fedora" <kernel at lists.fedoraproject.org>
 Cc: "arm" <arm at lists.fedoraproject.org>
 Date: Tuesday, 14 April, 2015, 12:51
 Hi All,
 The 4.0 final release is in rawhide and submitted for an
 update for
 Fedora 22 now.  Given the release schedules for 4.1 and
 F22, we're
 going to stick with 4.0 for F22 GA.  Please stick to
 fixes for F22 and
 we'll no longer keep that branch in sync with rawhide.
 The 4.1 merge window is open and active upstream as
 well.  I'll be
 rebasing rawhide to those kernels likely later today or
 tomorrow.  If
 you have things that are landing in 4.1 that you'd like
 please let us know.  The only major feature I'm aware
 of that might
 land is kdbus, but the jury is still out on that one.
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