Best way to configure Fedora 7 for WiFi access?

Joe Desbonnet joe at
Fri Jun 8 01:32:55 UTC 2007

If one has to connect to many different wireless networks throughout
the week, what is the recommended way Fedora should be configured?
Enable NetworkManager?

I notice that NetworkManager is disabled by default -- is there a
reason for this? I would have thought that should be enabled by
default on laptops?

Also I notice that with my Thinkpad T41p now running Fedora 7 if
NetworkManager is enabled, then Suspend To RAM does not work: the
system wakes up immediately and becomes unstable (stuff starts to hang
- eg system shutdown will not complete and a hard reset is needed).

On the other hand Suspend To Disk (hibernate) works with
NetworkManager, but on wakeup the wireless device needs to be
explicitly brought back (/sbin/ifconfig wifi0 up) -- is this a bug?


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