Thanks, but where can I find a good Network-Manager tutorial?

Brian Morrison bdm at
Sun Jul 26 00:04:00 UTC 2009

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 14:01:31 -0700
derek starr <dereklinux at> wrote:

> I looked at the Network-Manager list, but it is huge!  I did not know which
> entry to click on.

I was thinking more of you asking a question about what exactly isn't
working. Someone else asked about the firmware for the wireless card,
you definitely need that loaded, which means installing the package.

If that isn't working, then ask.

If you look for iwlwifi entries in /var/log/messages it will tell you
about things like firmware loading and NM attempting to bring up the
connection. In addition you can try to bring it up manually using
wpa_supplicant with appropriate arguments.

I suspect that looking at /var/log/messages will help to start with.
Once you can see that the firmware is loaded, check to see if the
iwl3945 module has been loaded using lsmod. That should be modprobed
with the standard Fedora and NM scripts, but might not be without
firmware being loaded.



Brian Morrison

   "Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud;
    after a while you realize you are muddy and the pig is enjoying it."

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