extremely slow copy speed (50k/s)

Al Thompson biggles58 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 18 21:44:13 UTC 2011

vinícius mota wrote:
> He is the line of my /etc/fstab file which defines my backup disk,
> with the label common
> LABEL=common            /home/vinicius/Desktop/common  ntfs   
> auto,user,sync  0 0

I would suspect that it is more directly related to the fact that you
are writing to an ntfs partition.  You can read from it at normal speed,
and Windows can read and write to it at full speed.  This should
indicate that the BIOS, controller, and disk are fine.

I also have one ntfs partition on a SATA drive one of my systems, and it
has caused some problems.  If I could find a reliable way to convert it
to ext3 without loosing data, I'd do it in a second!


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und diese Lüge kriecht aus seinem Munde: 'Ich, der Staat, bin das Volk.'
						- [Friedrich Nietzsche]

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