Want Help For FedoraOS(URGENT)

Maximilian Imgrund max.imgrund at gmx.de
Mon Jun 27 07:37:55 UTC 2011

Dear Sachingarwalla,

don't worry about the kernel crashes and nautilus crashes - these occur at 
some time but are in most of the cases of no harm. Just consider filling out 
the automatic bug reports and sending them to improve fedora in future.

If your disk has many bad sectors you should think of exchanging it for a new 
one. This is a physical issue, not a software issue. A few bad sectors are 
also no problem, they're just excluded from your file system. But if bad 
sectors accumulate the harddisks lifespan is usually reached and it is about 
to fail in near future. So I'd urge you to get a new harddisk to prevent data 
loss. By the way: You could update your system to Fedora 15 since there are no 
security updates for Fedora 13 any more, Fedora 13 reached it's end of life.

Sincerely yours,
Maximilian Imgrund

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