Wireless Network Issues on HP ProBook 4525s

Ron Leach ronleach at tesco.net
Sun Aug 25 09:42:08 UTC 2013

On 24/08/2013 15:58, Jeremy Palmer wrote:
> I have an HP ProBook 4525s and I installed Fedora 19 about 2 weeks ago.
> If I enable wireless with the built in controller, the controller comes
> up, gets an IP address, then about a second later turns off, then turns
> back on and starts over again.  Over and Over.
> ......
> I didn't really notice that behavior when I first installed, but after I
> applied some updates it's doing it all the time.

It doesn't sound - to me - like a hardware problem (because it also 
happens with USB).  But, to rule it out, are you in a position to 
check whether the same happens with a different OS?

Second, if you installed from an F19 live CD, could you try running 
that, live, and see what happens?  (Depending on your bandwidth, maybe 
you could get hold of and try the F19 live CD, anyway, to see whether 
the updates you mentioned did change the symptoms.)

regards, Ron

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