[Fedora-legal-list] Usage of the Fedora logo on Mono's download info site

Timur Kristóf timur at sch.bme.hu
Wed Apr 27 20:08:44 UTC 2011

Dear Legal team,

Christian Krause and myself would like to volunteer to maintain a page 
for Fedora in Mono's download information site at 

The people at the #mono IRC channel told me that any distribution can 
request their own page in there in the "Mono for Unsupported or 
Community-Supported Distribution" section. (Currently there is only some 
info about Debian and Ubuntu, but I think Fedora deserves its page there 

The page works in the following way:

- By default, it lists commercially supported distributions
- When clicking on the "Other" button (with Tux), the user gets to the 
"Mono for Unsupported or Community-Supported Distribution" section
- In there, the logos and names of distributions appear and when 
clicking on one, the user gets to a page which contains information 
about how to get Mono on that distribution.

So, if we got such a page, clicking on the Fedora logo would allow the 
user to get information about how to install Mono on Fedora.
I think this fits into 
but I'd still like to ask, since I'm not a lawyer and I'm not 100% sure.

If you are okay with this, we will request such a page from the Mono team.

Timur Kristóf

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