[Fedora-legal-list] Haskell Report License

Jens Petersen petersen at redhat.com
Sat Oct 22 09:05:35 UTC 2011


I want to add http://hackage.haskell.org/package/random (ghc-random) to Fedora.

The attached LICENSE file says that parts of the code are BSD,
and some are taken from the Haskell 98 Language Report, with
the following license:

Code derived from the document "Report on the Programming Language
Haskell 98", is distributed under the following license:

  Copyright (c) 2002 Simon Peyton Jones

  The authors intend this Report to belong to the entire Haskell
  community, and so we grant permission to copy and distribute it for
  any purpose, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety,
  including this Notice.  Modified versions of this Report may also be
  copied and distributed for any purpose, provided that the modified
  version is clearly presented as such, and that it does not claim to
  be a definition of the Haskell 98 Language.

Can this license be added to the list of Fedora approved licenses?

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