[Fedora-livecd-list] OK, folks, where to now?

Glen Eustace geustace at godzone.net.nz
Thu Sep 8 22:33:04 UTC 2005

> But let's be specific.  Which component needs work, Kadischi or the Live 
> CD that Kadischi produces, or both?  And are there bug reports in 
> particular?

I have made a number of suggestions on this list, as have others about
things that might be improved. They aren't necessarily bugs.

1. Splitting the process into phases like rpmbuild
2. Defining a customisation precedure/process.
3. Running prelink on the resulting CD before burn
4. I would add running depmod as well, I have added kernel modules.
5. Splitting the 'Base' rpm list into a 'Core' + others so that a
   minimal CD is easier to produce.
6. Maybe using squashfs instead of zisofs
7. Sorting files to better optimize the CD.

> Oh, absolutely.  But having some "best in show" candidates is a good idea 
> too, don't you think?

Yes. My suggestions would include such things as;
Network Diagnostics/Toolbox
Quagga Router

> > But it is a good idea. At this time, I have had to manually merge
> > fedora, fedora-updates and some of my own rpms to produce a single repo
> > that the CD can be built from.
> And how did you do that?  Did you put together a nifty HOWTO?  :)

No, as I was hoping there was a better method than what I used. I
believe I have mentioned in an earlier email that managing the repo(s)
is something that possibly warrants more work. I haven't volunteered to
do it as I am sure that there a people who know more about such things
than I do.


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