[Fedora-livecd-list] fc5t2 notes -- graphical close, still no kickstart install

Skunk Worx skunkworx at verizon.net
Tue Feb 14 22:07:31 UTC 2006

I've followed the msgs a little and am able to create a fc5t2 image 
using the instructions for "Development" :


The created image will not autoboot, i must enter "linux" at the 
ISOLINUX boot: prompt. I think this is a known issue. I think I saw a 
firstboot red startup message, but it doesn't seem to affect the 
startup. Otherwise the dvd boots and runs.

As far as kickstart installs, the sample ks script in kadischi CVS fails 
in the interactive step for network:

In interactive step network, can't continue

I added a network line like :

network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp

Which got me through most of the installation, but now fails at the end 
with :

In progress...
In interactive step complete, can't continue

Not sure what to do here. Also, Control-C won't work at this step, have 
to kill -9 the interpreter.


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