[Fedora-livecd-list] Requested Features

J. Hartline jasperhartline at adelphia.net
Thu Mar 2 04:02:00 UTC 2006

Thomas Canniot wrote:

>I grabbed some request features about Kadischi during the Kadischi Show
>at FOSDEM 2006.
>Here they are :
>- One should be able to be warned if the media he is planning to burn
>the iso image on is big enough. This can be summed up by a question in
>Anaconda like: "Do you want to create a CD iso image or a DVD iso
>image?" Then either Kadischi or Anaconda should warn that the size of
>the .iso file will not be appropriated.
This could probably be done without touching Anaconda.
I know where to start is with rpm-python, and the RPMTAG_SIZE rpmdb header.
Also you must think about this, the package set to be installed is much 
larger than the compressed image
the image isn't created until after all is said and done almost, so you 
would need some
reliable data to base your calculations on. (Like the mkzftree algorithm)
You are free to send a patch or something. 8-)

>- Improve boot speed. Don't know how.
SquashFS, why of course. :-P

>- The live CD should not be dependent from the display driver (already
>working on this I presume?)
Your English is a little crispy, but I am assuming you mean the X 
using a driver in xorg.conf specific to your hardware. This is a problem 
probably best taken care of internally with Anaconda.
I am not sure I am merely speculating, just like the HWADDR MAC ID in 
network-scripts files.
I think this is purely an Anaconda issue.

J. Hartline

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