[Fedora-livecd-list] resource: X11-auto-config, another unionfs imp, CentOS

Toshio Kuratomi toshio at tiki-lounge.com
Mon May 1 06:08:01 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 18:18 -0700, Jane Dogalt wrote:
> I just ran across this page, which has some good info for fedora based livecd
> generator developers.  Specifically, this is a dell implementation of a fedora
> based (centos-4.3 really) livecd, using squashfs+unionfs, with the following
> interesting choice for X11 auto configuration-
Do we have a wiki page devoted to other Fedora LiveCD implementations
with reviews, features, impressions?  It could be nice to have a
reference that shows LiveCD X and Y have already implemented feature
Foo.  Let's see if there's anything to be learned in how they did it.

> 	echo "Trying to auto configure X"
> 	system-config-display --noui --reconfig --set-resolution=1024x768
This approach has some problems (I know, it's what I've got for now :-)

1) system-config-display drags in metacity, pygtk, and other things that
aren't needed when you're developing a minimal livecd or one that uses a
different GUI environment.
2) When the monitor isn't recognized, the resolution can get kicked down
to 640x480.  (I don't remember if that's just from setting a
conservative hsync or if there's some other issues as well.)

I haven't been testing all the ideas Jeremy has been relaying recently
but getting X to configure as much of the hardware as possible when it
starts seems like a big win.

I haven't looked hard enough at the detection schemes in
system-config-display to know if the problems I'm seeing with some
monitors comes from a db that system-config-display owns or from some
auto-detection that Xorg is doing, though.  So I don't know if there
will still be some work to configure the monitors I'm working with.

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