[Fedora-livecd-list] How 10-fedora-livecd-base.conf operates as opposed to 20-fedora-livecd-gnome.conf

Amir Sela amirse at gmail.com
Sun Jan 14 11:29:46 UTC 2007

See inline comments..

On 1/14/07, Thomas Chung <tchung at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 1/14/07, Amir Sela <amirse at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hmm, I managed to create my own custom CD's, thanks.
> > My question was a theoretical one. I simply don't understand why
> > 10- and 20- do their configuration in different ways. 10- just does
> > a bunch of things in the post) script itself, while 20- creates
> > /etc/init.d/livecd and puts all the stuff in there, and then deletes it? :S
> > Thanks,
> >
> >  -Amir
> It's my understanding from README[1] that 10-fedora-livecd-base.conf
> just puts a basic packages and configuration to build a minimum
> install. 20-fedora-livecd-gnome.conf put additional packages and more
> gnome-specific configurations on top of the base.  So yes
> fedora-livecd-gnome rpm *requires* fedora-livecd (-base) rpm package

Hmm, I've read that README, and I've read the 10- and 20- files themselves.
I never really asked anything about package dependenceis. It's pretty
obvious from the readme that 20 is an addition to 10, and as such requires
it. It's the hierarchical nature that the livecd-creator developer wanted to
create (Which is quite elegant and cool). Nevertheless, I really don't have a
a problem with package depenedencies.

> during the LiveCD build process.  It seems /etc/init.d/livecd is a
> temporary init script to perform various configuration during LiveCD
> build process and removes itself when it's completed to clean up.

Yes, I didn't ask about how it does things. That is obvious from reading the
script itself. I'm asking *why*. Because if one were to tell me that
/etc/init.d/livecd is created in 20 in order to configure the livecd when
it actually boots, I would say '"oh, ok. makes sense". But that doesn't
go well with the fact it gets deleted in the post) segment in 20. Not to
mention the fact that it really doesn't run in the post) segment per-se.
It just gets created using a "here document" clause. So when does
it actually run is what interests me, and why it's implemented like
this. I guess we'll just wait for someone else to explain it :)

> I hope I answered your questions otherwise we might have to wait for
> David who's currently on trip to LCA (linux.conf.au)[2]

 Not really, sorry. :)
We'll just wait for David. It's not that critical. I'm already working
and enjoying
livecd-creator. It just bugs me I don't understand that part.
Thanks a lot for the prompt replies!

> [1] http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=users/david/livecd-tools.git;a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=README
> [2] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-livecd-list/2007-January/msg00064.html
> --
> Thomas Chung
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ThomasChung

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