[Fedora-livecd-list] patch review and move of livecd scm

David Zeuthen davidz at redhat.com
Tue Mar 6 03:07:33 UTC 2007

Hey list, Jeremy and Bill,

Sorry for being slow in reviewing patches; most of my time past two
month been spent traveling and working on other features on Fedora 7.
Enough with bad excuses. Anyway, looks like Jeremy and Bill been kicking
ass writing patches so I've merged them all into master. 

Also, the livecd repo is now located here rather than on freedesktop.org


The HACKING file for instructions on how to checkout the code is updated


Btw, Jeremy, where can I find a kickstart file? Also, should we include
a simple works-for-latest-distro example kickstart file in the repo
along with comments on how to use it? Also, for Fedora, where do you
envision will we store such Kickstart configuration files? In an SCM of
some sort I presume? 

Will we have separate kickstart files per arch? I presume we want the
package selection to differ for x86_64, ppc and x86, just by virtue that
it's going to be larger for the former two. Can Kickstart do this


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