[Fedora-livecd-list] [PATCH] RFC: Use nash for root switch instead of run-init

David Zeuthen davidz at redhat.com
Thu Mar 22 21:20:42 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 13:09 -0700, Jane Dogalt wrote: 
> I agree with all of this.
> I noticed some network bits in nash a while back that seemed new (as in
> within the last 5 years).
> I wonder, how hard would it be to do the http-fuse-knoppix hackage with
> the current nash/initramfs infrastructure?  (i.e. bring up the network,
> use fuse to mount an http exposed iso, and use it instead the media
> iso)

I think it would make sense to extend mayflower to do this; I don't
think we need the whole http-fuse thing; just use curl/wget to get the
entire ISO to RAM and off you go just like it's "run from RAM" only you
get the image from a PXE server. It shouldn't be too much work in
mayflower I think...

Btw, uou need 1GB+ of RAM but that is getting more and more common these
days and I think it's fair enough to require it for this case. The most
obvious use of this I can think of includes KIOSK and OS QA. Anyway,
when this is working you can do the whole http-fuse as an afterthought
and you wouldn't need to require 1GB+ of RAM anymore.

Also, the PXE server could be included on the live cd itself such as to
bootstrap other clients from a single computer. Perhaps with a small
GNOME applet to control it. Can you have multiple PXE servers on a
network? If not, maybe you want to use Avahi instead.

Is anyone interested in working this?


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