[Fedora-livecd-list] Revisor creates a very large iso image

Jeroen van Meeuwen kanarip at kanarip.com
Mon Apr 21 09:23:49 UTC 2008

Lars Bjørndal wrote:
> The command 'git branch' gives me only * master. So how do I grab the
> F-8 branch of Revisor?

Go to the revisor source tree you have now, and go up one directory


git clone --reference <current-source> \
     git://git.fedorahosted.org/revisor \

cd <new-folder>

git checkout --track -b <new-branch> origin/<branch>

Well, I'll give you an example:

[user at machine ~]$ mkdir -p devel/revisor
[user at machine ~]$ cd devel/revisor

$ git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/revisor master
# This will clone the master branch into sub-directory master

$ git clone --reference master git://git.fedorahosted.org/revisor F-8
# This will create a F-8 sub-directory based on the master/ sub-
# directory

$ cd F-8

$ git checkout --track -b F-8 origin/F-8
# This will checkout branch F-8, and switch to that branch

Hope this helps,

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

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