[Fedora-livecd-list] local hard disk space?

DON.RAIKES at oracle.com DON.RAIKES at oracle.com
Wed Jul 23 16:33:26 UTC 2008


You need to make sure that oyou have ntfs support on your livecd. You will need the ntfs-progs and/or ntfs-3g packages installed before you can mount using ntfs.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Coco Computers & Consulting [mailto:anthony_j_coco at yahoo.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 7:16 AM
  To: fedora-livecd-list at redhat.com
  Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] local hard disk space?

        Thanks Doug.
        In continuing to experiment with CentOS5.1 Live CD I have been able to cross-mount drives from other linux systems on my network, but as yet I have not found a way to mount the local hard drive. I tried (as root) to mount it via:
        mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1  /local
        because the Graphical Hardware utility recognized my primary local hard drive as /dev/hda1 and because the man page for mount says that 'ntfs' is a valid specification for filesystem type. My local hard drive is an ntfs (Windows XP) filesystem. But when I attempt this mount I get an error message saying that 'ntfs' is not a valid filesystem type. Is there any way at all to mount the local hard drive? That would make the LiveCD distribution much more valuable, I think.
        --Tony C.

        Coco Computers & Consulting

        --- On Tue, 7/22/08, Douglas McClendon <dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org> wrote:

          From: Douglas McClendon <dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org>
          Subject: Re: [Fedora-livecd-list] local hard disk space?
          To: fedora-livecd-list at redhat.com
          Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 8:08 PM

Coco Computers & Consulting wrote:> When I boot with Centos 5.1 Live CD, a df command shows the root > filesystem / is mounted to /dev/mapper/livecd-rw and shows a total of > about 4GB with 50% available. Is this disk space from my local hard > drive? How is it carved out? My local hard drive is
 installed with a > Windows XP system. Does LiveCD simply create a 4GB file on the local > hard drive for its own use?No, the 4G is basically imaginary.  Whatever amount it starts out asused, say 2.1G, is actually compressed data on the cdrom, i.e. about675MB.  Once booted and files/blocks are written, they are written toram (or with liveusb persistence, flash/disk).  The only reason for thearbitrary 4G number, as opposed to say, 1000G, is that the formattingdata of a larger filesystem would take up a little bit of extra space,even compressed.  Theoretically if you had a 16GB ram system, you'd be abit unhappy that an artificial limitation of 4GB of writable blocks isbeing used, when you have more ram than that to burn.  Long ago Isubmitted a patch such that the devicemapper device would havea size greater than 4GB, but the filesystem still be formatted to 4GB.With that kind of patch, such
 a user of a 16GB filesystem couldresize2fs the filesystem larger post boot, and not be limited.  At thetime however, squashfs was not as efficient as it currently is withsparse files, and such a larger device would also have resulted in moreactual data space taken up on the cdrom (and also signifigantlyincreasing the time to author/master the livecd originally).  Nowhowever squashfs natively handles sparse files, and won't waste anyactual space on even a terabyte of zeros.That was probably a longer answer than you were looking for.  Executivesummary- the 4G is purely imaginary and means nothing.  The fedoralivecd like most livecds, by default, does not touch your system disk atall.-dmc> > --thanks,> --Tony C.> > Coco Computers & Consulting> http://coconets.homeip.net> > > >
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