[Fedora-livecd-list] getting edit-livecd working

Tim Coote tim+fedoraproject.org at coote.org
Sat Mar 31 14:13:09 UTC 2012

I'm trying to modify an f16 livecd to enable ssh on boot, so that I can get to it when it's not in front of me.

I'm using a physical laptop with an f16 install from livecd and then yum update'd

the stock f16 livecd-tools falls over with this error:
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imgcreate/creator.py", line 464, in __destroy_selinuxfs
    arglist = ["/bin/umount", self._instroot + self.__selinux_mountpoint + "/load"]
AttributeError: 'LiveImageEditor' object has no attribute '_ImageCreator__selinux_mountpoint'

Which if I look in the source of /usr/bin/edit-livecd seems to be understandable.

If I update to the updates-testing repo version of livecd-tools: livecd-tools-16.11-1.fc16.i686

I get this error:

[tim at pluto make]$ sudo edit-livecd -n withssh Fedora-16-i686-Live-Desktop.iso 
umount: /var/tmp/edit-liveos-W2ZKFk/install_root/sys/fs/selinux/load: not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/edit-livecd", line 723, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/edit-livecd", line 697, in main
    editor.mount(LiveOS, cachedir = None)
  File "/usr/bin/edit-livecd", line 251, in mount
    os.symlink("../proc/mounts", self._instroot + "/etc/mtab")
OSError: [Errno 17] File exists

I *think* that this is because self._instroot is set to None in class LiveImageEditor(LiveImageCreator):, and does not appear to be reassigned.

Should the f16 livecd-tools version of edit-livecd work and are there any particular options/configurations that I must set to get it to work? Or should I just install from somewhere else (I'd much rather not do that as it will screw up the other dependencies on the box, but if necessary, I could spin up a VM and do it on that.)

All help gratefully received.


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