Quick Zikula SitRep

David Nalley david at gnsa.us
Mon Jul 27 07:01:15 UTC 2009

I have informed many of you that I will be less available than normal
over the next 2-3 weeks, so I want to make sure I am not a constraint
on the zikula front and thus here is a bit of a brain dump.

Found yet another bundled library in Zikula - phpmenulayers.
Fortunately this is already being packaged

However, phpmenulayers bundles the following library:

We may want to jump on that (esp since there are some relatively
automated spec building tools for pear packages.)

To my knowledge - everything not blocked on licensing has been
approved except zikula-module-mediashare. This was waiting on a number
of dependencies, (4 or 5, which have at least all been approved, if
not already built)
There may likewise be licensing issues, but if there are, we need to
get them in front of upstream and/or fixed by us asap.

==Stuff blocked by licensing: ==

* zikula-module-menutree
Upstream said they were working on this, but I haven't heard anything
in a while.
Some of this is merely a set of icons, the one package with no
licensing information is problematic and we might need to see what we
can do with it/without it.
Let's ping upstream again on this issue as well

* zikula-module-mediaattach
Ian has really not even started packaging this one because he found so
many licensing issues.
I've notified upstream, but we may need to see what we can do to purge
some of this stuff.

* zikula-module-content
Lukas has this moving along - there is a licensing issue with lightboxXL.
I fired off an email re: relicensing/dual licensing to lightboxXL's
author on 22 June, but to date have received no response.
It might help if a native spanish speaker sent an email explaining the
situation, but it looks like this might have to get jettisoned which
might involve patching source.

We either need to seriously help and motivate upstream or fix these
issues ourselves and send the patches upstream.

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