
Ricky Zhou ricky at fedoraproject.org
Fri Oct 23 20:12:53 UTC 2009

On 2009-10-23 11:46:40 AM, Mike McGrath wrote:
> Do we have any ETA on when we'll deploy the new spins site?  It'd be good
> to do all of that long before the freeze for the final release.
I think it was meant to go live on release day.  This does bring up some 
issues we haven't looked at yet - ideally, this will be hosted on the 
proxy servers with links to spin torrents hosted on 
torrent.fedoraproject.org.  We'll try to get a test setup on staging 
soon, but we should definitely work out what changes will need to happen 
on torrent1 to expose those torrent files.

Some options include making sure all of the spin torrents in 
/srv/torrent/spins/torrents are also in /srv/torrent/www/torrents, or 
perhaps symlinking /srv/torrent/spins/torrents into 

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