[Insight] Meeting help?

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 13:39:23 UTC 2011

I could use some help running meetings for Insight.  As my non-Fedora
$DAYJOB commitments have ramped up, it's become increasingly difficult
to do some of the work around those meetings.  For instance, it's more
difficult for me to bug people about status outside the meeting, or
get the agenda figured out and updated in time.

In the larger view, though, we need to have more community ownership
of projects like Insight.  It always worries me when something like
Insight, which is a community-driven system, looks like it's "owned"
by Fedora contributors who are Red Hat employees, because that
shouldn't be a requirement.  One way to combat that situation is to
encourage more leadership and decision making by the community.

Having additional ownership for running meetings is just one way to do
that, of course.  I'd also like to see other people running
development as well.  But I do realize that we could use more people
in general for that to be a reality. :-)

If I could trade off meeting responsibilities with someone on
alternating weeks, that would be a great start.  Are there any

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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