F17 Beta to slip by one week.

Robyn Bergeron rbergero at redhat.com
Thu Mar 29 20:08:46 UTC 2012

At the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip the Beta by one week[1]. 
Minutes follow below.

Despite valiant efforts by many awesome people, two new blockers 
appeared between RC1 and RC2, for which fixes are still incoming and 
will require the creation of an RC3 [2].

As a result, ALL MAJOR MILESTONES, and their dependent tasks, will be 
pushed out by one week. Beta will now be looking at an expected release 
of 2012-04-10, and F17 GA is now scheduled for 2012-05-15.

The adjustments to the full F17 schedule will be done (very late) 
tonight, and published to the Schedule wiki page[3]. Please note that 
the high-level milestones shown on the wiki page have already been 
updated to reflect the Beta slip.

Thanks for your patience.  We will be meeting again next Wednesday for 
another Go/No-Go meeting.


[1] Minutes: 

[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Current_Release_Blockers

[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Schedule

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