[fedora-my] Reminder : IRC meeting in #fedora-my , tomorrow at 8pm MYT

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 09:19:26 UTC 2012

Hi All,

this is a reminder that we will be having a meeting tomorrow in the
IRC channel #fedora-my.

 * Promotion status
   * Promo team, please update on what things you've done, and what
you are planning to do
 * Logo design:
   * Current proposals:
      * http://publictest04.fedoraproject.org/artboard/post/view/115 - bckurera
      * http://gnokii.fedorapeople.org/fudcon-kl.png - s.kempter
 * Tshirt & Swags
      * Prices / vendors
      * Tshirt Design
      * Swag - what to produce?
 * Updates on tasks assigned by the FPL from the last #fudcon-planning meeting
    * http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2012-03-08/fudcon_kl_planning.2012-03-08-13.59.txt

The meeting for next week will be a physical one, and we'll cycle this
for a few weeks and see how things go. If needed, we might need to
make physical meetings weekly earlier than originally planned .

See you there!

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
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