[fedora-my] FUDCON Letter

Seatux seatux86 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 04:04:34 UTC 2012

Shouldn't the letter be from UCTI themselves? You did say that they called
UCTI to find that no one knew about you and the event?


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Slaya Chronicles - Geeko Acolyte <
yeoheric at gmail.com> wrote:

> Kage,
> Need your help in getting a letter out so that we can speak with the reps
> from Hotels and stuff.
> In the letter it should clearly state what FUDCON is, the internation
> reach of it, how many expected vistors, the demographics of the attendees
> and how closely it will be followed in the tech world.
> Perhaps the last part of how closely it will be followed closely may ring
> some bells.
> Letter should be from Harish and co perhaps?
> Eric
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