Fedora Logo: Modifications and a new one

nodata fedora at nodata.co.uk
Tue Nov 8 09:52:45 UTC 2005

> nodata wrote:
>>Hello, I read about the new logo on Fedora People. Might as well throw in
>>my opinion :)
>>>It's too clever.
>>The first time I saw the proposed logo I thought to myself "Why on earth
>>is there a Möbius strip in the logo?".
>>I don't want to have to understand a logo.
> Logos dont necessarily require a meaning to be immediately visible to
> everyone. Just a unique identity and familiarity would be enough.
> Familiarity would arrive over a period of time depending on the
> visibility. Once we decide on the logo, thats where the attention would
> be on.
> regards
> Rahul

But not understanding a logo is distracting and annoying. Is that good?

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