***SPAM*** Ditribution of Fedora

Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 19:05:03 UTC 2005

On 11/16/05, Filip Bartmann <filbar at linpro.cz> wrote:
> I want distribute your downloadable version of Fedora Core.How can I do
> it?
> Regards
> Filip Bartmann

first you must know to whom you want to distribute it.
the first targeted public for ME would be the local lug members.
It might be hard to convince them to try FC because they will answer that
their experience with their actual distro is simply immence.
Note that there are two types of lug members:
1. those who participate in the mailling lists and
2. those who read the posts silently.
The second option is my favourite target. Because these people think that
they are somehow "inferior" to option one. And hence if you "go" and "talk"
to them (i.e. helping them to give FC a try) just like spoonfeeding them,
you will make them pass the barrier. Thus they will post on local lug
mailling list with FC4 as subject.

while reading the posts, Other readers would THINK and SAY "I heard a lot
about Fedora Core" o their friends. In the end it would be like point to
point advertising.
well the main thing afterwards is that we have to keep that image!!

well this was more or less how I got my gf use linux :)

Chitlesh GOORAH

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