CategoryMarketing CategoryMarketing CategoryMarketingCategoryMarketing

Hornain Frederic Frederic.Hornain at GB.BE
Tue Nov 29 10:41:07 UTC 2005

Dear Chris, dear *,

Indeed I was not aware of what has been wrotten by Paul W. at the following URL :

I have just objectively listed all Fedora books I knew. 
Even if I know I have to reorder it in alphabetical order.

In addition, in reading the Fedora books reviews of Paul W. I noticed I missed one or two.
However, I do not know for the moment if I can include General Linux books. 
I am going to ask the question and keep you in touch Chris.

Finally and FYI, I do not think that I can permit myself to rated it. 
So maybe, I could contact Paul W. in order to know if he can help me to do it
Does someone know his email address ?


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-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-marketing-list-bounces at
[mailto:fedora-marketing-list-bounces at]On Behalf Of Jesse
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 7:29 AM
To: fedora-marketing-list at
Subject: RE: CategoryMarketing CategoryMarketing

On Mon, 2005-11-28 at 20:44 -0600, Chris Negus wrote:
> Thanks for including a couple of my books in your list. A couple other
> books I have written are based on Fedora. I wasn't sure if you wanted to
> include books that don't have Fedora in the title.
> Fedora was the primary distro used in the Linux Troubleshooting Bible.
> Also, for Linux Toys II, which just came out, most of the projects were
> built on FC4 (we included RPMs packaged for Fedora with the book).

Hi Chris.  Check out  You'll see
that we (and by we I mean mostly you) get a very favorable review.

Paul, thanks for the writeup!

Jesse Keating RHCE      (
Fedora Legacy Team      (
GPG Public Key          (
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