Fedora derivatives branding discussion

Andre Nogueira andre.nogueira.fedora at gmail.com
Thu Apr 20 17:50:01 UTC 2006


I agree with Jeff - a similar but different logo for those distros
seems to be a good idea.
As for the actual name, "Based on Fedora" seems to be the best option.
But why not have maybe two options people can choose from? Depending
on the name of the derived distros, "Based on Fedora" might not work
well or might produce an awkward result.
Or do some kind of legal issues prevent this?



On 4/20/06, Jeff Spaleta <jspaleta at gmail.com> wrote:
> "Based on Fedora"
> Additionally, consider have a different "Fedora" logo that  "based on
> Fedora" items can use to visually distinquish "based on" from
> "official" but is still clearly "fedora".  You want both a
> distinquishable but agreed on text and iconic reference for derived
> works to use when making an association to fedora.

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