Sponsored Media still needs a boost

Karlie Robinson karlie_robinson at webpath.net
Mon Apr 24 13:17:31 UTC 2006

Good morning, everyone. 

Thomas Chung was kind enough to add Sponsored Media [1] to Issue 43 of 
the Fedora Weekly News.  [2]

As of this morning, Free Media [3] requests were already backed up 4 
days with more than 20 un-filled requests.  A good number of requests in 
the list are for Fedora users in developing nations. 

It is imperative that we encourage Sponsors for these international 
requests.  After all, the main point of Free Media is to get Fedora to 
those who may not have the means to get it any other way.  It would be 
an absolute shame if the only requests getting filled were for the USA.  
(again, thanks to Thomas)

It's time to pull out the stops and begin working any and all contacts 
you may have. 

If you're a regular on a forum, please make a post about Sponsored Media 
and the good it will do. 

If you know (or know of) someone who "mass communicates" either as a 
member of the Media, has a Blog or a Fan site, please talk with them. 

If you're not comfortable making the pitch on your own, if you could get 
me an introduction, I'll be happy to talk with them. 

The group here can also help you come up with contact/site specific 
points if you need something tailored. 

Points to remember with Sponsored Media.
*Sometimes all people need to get their generosity flowing is to be asked. 
*The sponsor need not get a disc if they don't want one.  (At least at 
On-Disk.com [4] We could still use other vendors too)
*Fedora itself isn't asking for cash for the project, but there are 
folks out there who, in the past, have asked to support Fedora 
financially.  If they are still out there and still feel supportive, 
they can help keep Free Media requests filled. 

O.K. gang, now let's get down to some good ol' fashion Marketing! 


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/SponsoredMedia
[2] http://fedoranews.org/wiki/Fedora_Weekly_News_Issue_43
[3] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/FreeMedia
[4] http://on-disk.com/content.php?citem=on-disk/2006/Fedora-FreeMedia.php

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