[Fedora-ambassadors-list] Press release for new Fedora 5

Stephen Krenzel sgk284 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 01:08:31 UTC 2006

   This is in reference to the press release that Clair was quoting in her
first email of this thread.  While the points followed up with regard to yum
are right, the press release as a whole feels a little unprofessional. It
should be cleaned up a bit. Also, we shouldn't need to compare ourselves
with other alternative operating systems "full of viruses". Just announce
what's new, what the release brings to the field and how end users can
benefit and enjoy it. The product, I feel, is strong enough to speak for
itself, no need to deride alternatives. I think Fedora is above that and
doesn't need the senseless hand waving, regardless of what the alternatives
themselves may be doing. It appears the site:
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FC5PressRelease is fine , so I'm not sure
where the press release Clair was quoting originated from, but I figured I'd
respond with my thoughts to avoid situations like that in the future. If
I've misinterpreted what was said, just let me know, same thing if you
disagree with me.

On 3/12/06, Jesse Keating <jkeating at j2solutions.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 23:26 +0000, Clair wrote:
> >
> > It uses the yum package manager. Yum is still the same. It has nothing
> to do
> > with anaconda. As it says below:
> Anaconda uses yum, which is new for FC5, that is noteworthy.  It is our
> first step toward being able to install packages from other repos (like
> Extras) while inside anaconda.
> --
> Jesse Keating RHCE      (geek.j2solutions.net)
> Fedora Legacy Team      ( www.fedoralegacy.org)
> GPG Public Key          (geek.j2solutions.net/jkeating.j2solutions.pub)
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> --
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