[Fedora-marketing-list] Re: Fedora Core 6 Beta 2 Review

Leon sdl.web at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 19:45:59 UTC 2006

On Sun, 09/03/2006 17:00 +0100, Rahul wrote:

> Leon wrote:
>>> Why would fedoraproject.org frontpage list the new features of a in
>>> progress development version?
>>> Rahul
>> No, it shouldn't. But it should be easy for people to access (by search
>> or whatever) future release info.
> What would you suggest the page be named as?

I don't have anything specific to recommend. Just want to raise this
question. Because I think a lot of people come to fedoraproject.org to
find information about the next release and I don't think the front
page address this enough.

>> In fact if we put in the front page "Top 10 key features in Fedora
>> core 6" extracted from this page
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FC6ReleaseSummary 
>> and form the latest news without preview text it might be better.
> Do you mean fedora weekly news here?

I mean the latest News in the front page. Weekly news is hosted in
another site, isn't it?

Overall I feel the wiki isn't very user friendly.


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