Self-Introduction: Konrad Moson

Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior henriquecsj at
Sun Dec 2 23:41:44 UTC 2007

Welcome, Konrad

Em Seg, 2007-12-03 às 00:00 +0100, Konrad Mosoń escreveu:
> Hi! I'm new Fedora Ambassador in Poland.
> I'm 15 years old, and I'm interesting Linux and classical music. I
> using Linux for 2 years and Fedora for 1 year. I hope that Fedora
> lives forever, i like it, and i get to promoting Fedora and Open
> Source.
> I used most of Linux distributions, but i think that Fedora is fast
> and best :) Fedora have good graphical and text-mode applications
> (like pirut, yum). I think that It's good for begginers and for geeks
> :)
> Regards to,
> Konrad Moson
Henrique "LonelySpooky" Junior <henriquecsj at>

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