FUDcon, Fedora 9, Windoze Games Support Ideas!

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at redhat.com
Thu Dec 13 16:10:36 UTC 2007

On Wed, 12 Dec 2007, Markus McLaughlin wrote:

> This is how future FUDcons should take place : Have a FUDcon for each 
> continent!  Have them all connected virtually so anyone can attend in 
> that sense!  Perhaps, have 2 days devoted to each FUDcon or a FUDcon 
> that takes place in each continent at the same time.

This is actually what I'm working to fund.  :)


Greg DeKoenigsberg
Community Development Manager
Red Hat, Inc. :: 1-919-754-4255
"To whomsoever much hath been given...
...from him much shall be asked"

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