Distrowatch on Fedora this year

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Mon Dec 17 17:35:25 UTC 2007

Christopher Aillon wrote:
>> It wouldn't be a burden to tell the world that we are doing what we 
>> are doing then. One simple way to do this it to just blog more often. 
>> Our engineers do that sometimes but way less than ideal. 
> If an engineer happens to take time out of their busy lives, and time 
> away from doing awesome feature work for Fedora 9, then consider it a 
> bonus.  Expecting this from any engineer is just insane.

I completely disagree. Other distributions have done a fairly good job 
in marketing themselves via developers and it is critically important to 
their successes. The community can't create the buzz for them if they 
don't know such features exist in the first place which is frequently 
the case with Fedora.

Kickstart the effort initially and others can pick it up once they 
realize that the features exist and what benefits it brings. Feature 
process is one way to do it. Blogging is another. We have big gaps in 
either. I am happy to hear other ideas to improve the situation though.


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