Distrowatch on Fedora this year

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Mon Dec 17 18:23:57 UTC 2007

Christopher Aillon wrote:
> Has it ever occured to you that maybe our engineering team is better 
> because we're focused on doing real, actual work instead of blogging 
> about how awesome we are like certain other distros?  Having engineers 
> do the job of a marketing team may work short term to gather hype, but 
> it comes at a huge cost.

Our team does a good job which is awesome and has not been able to 
communicate well to others the good job that they are doing which is a 
very sad thing since it leads to the perception that we aren't doing 
much desktop work at all. I hope the team is giving this some thought 
and has answers beyond letting others figure it all out somehow.

With Free software, the line between developers, testers, users and 
marketing folks often blurs. In Fedora, the "marketing team" is just a 
bunch of loosely organized volunteers including developers. That might 
be a bit troublesome to deal with it but we need to consider the feature 
process, blogging etc as part of our work too instead of deviation from 
"real work".

This provides more transparency to the community. Look at the effect it 
had on PackageKit. I don't think I have much more to say on this and 
will stop here.


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