Fedora and lack of audio communication with the community

Valent Turkovic valent.turkovic at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 20:22:45 UTC 2007

On 12/23/07, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> Valent Turkovic wrote:
> > I travel a lot, and some time because of work or because of other
> > projects I run (an NGO and municipal wireless network...) so you would
> > hear one show every few weeks if I was the host :)
> That's actually pretty good for a start as compared to nothing.
> > I need the guidance how I can contribute in this idea. I never
> > contributed anything but bugs so how do I start contributing to this
> > idea? How can I contact Fedora Ambasadors regarding this idea? How
> > much space on CD can be spared for this feature?
> You will have to talk to Jeremy about how much spare he can spare.
> Jeremy outlined what is needed to be done.  For the example video
> content, pick one of the Red Hat videos which are under creative commons
> license.
> http://www.redhat.com/videos/ourfilms.html
> Truth Happens, Inevitable and Choice are fairly popular, generic enough
> and available in ogg formats. There are a few more you can look up.
> For music, try
> http://ogg.jamendo.com/
> http://magnatune.com/
> Presentation -
> You can list out what's unique about Fedora in a presentation. Feel free
> to remix content from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Presentations.
> Rahul

I'll get on it right away...

linux, blog, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic

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