Gian Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at prodigy.net.mx
Wed Mar 21 19:58:50 UTC 2007

rerushg at homexpressway.net escribió:
> Quick opinion from a newbie (3 months) here.
> Maybe compromise is to add a picture to the site home page to warm to it
> up a bit.
> Would need to be "OK'd" but maybe not formally "approved" as anything more
> than just art.
> Change it every week or so. Maybe one will become popular.
> Also: Did someone say; "No hats!"? There is a blue hat in the header of
> the forum page.

www.fedoraforum.org is not the "official" forum for Fedora (though many 
of us use it quite extensively), the site is not endorsed by, supported 
by, approved by or anything-else-by Red Hat nor the Fedora Foundation. 
If there was a problem with that fact, I'm sure Red Hat and Fedora 
people will let the site administrators know and ask them to remove the 
image (if need be)

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