Fedora Forums

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Thu Feb 21 12:21:10 UTC 2008

Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> Hi again :p
> I'm not sure this is the best place to put this, as I know that
> fedoraforums.org is run independently of the main project - but I also
> know at least Rahul is involved with the project.

It is a privately owned website. There are a bunch of us who are 
administrators including me. The general work there is keeping the 
threads clean, removing spam etc and I have been making sure atleast 
someone from the development side is responding to various questions.

> Now that Fedora is allowed to point at legally dubious stuff from the
> website, is it worth considering pulling fedoraforums.org under the
> official fedora banner? At the very least it would be fun to try and
> expand the consistent look and feel we're now striving for on the
> website, and it might make it easier for new users to find and have
> confidence in the forums.
> This is just a thought - it may be a completely useless one :)

Fedora forum has already been officially endorsed for a while. User 
generated content is not our legal liability so linking to the forum was 
feasible even before the recent decision.

The fact that is endorsed in mentioned in a few places



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