[in the news] Mint 8 achieves RC1, and Fedora 12 goes final

Kara Schiltz kschiltz at redhat.com
Tue Nov 17 21:14:57 UTC 2009

DesktopLinux.com -- eWeek

Mint 8 achieves RC1, and Fedora 12 goes final
By Eric Brown

The Fedora Project has released the final version 12 of its Red 
Hat-related Linux distribution. As we reported when we covered the _beta 
release_ <http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS4472675809.html> of Fedora 
12 ("Constantine") last month, the new release is notable for offering 
speed optimizations for i686 CPUs and the Intel Atom. The latest version 
also provides IPv6 support, plus enhanced Bluetooth, virtualization, 
multimedia, and power management features (see our previous story for 
more details).

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