[in the news] Users howl as Fedora 12 gives root to unwashed masses

Amit Caleechurn acaleechurn at fedoraproject.org
Fri Nov 20 04:42:25 UTC 2009

Now that an update has been announced for packagekit, will this update be
applied to official ISOs or will users be expected to apply the update
themselves or disable this behavior if they don't have the machine connected
to the net?


On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 5:54 AM, susmit shannigrahi <
thinklinux.ssh at gmail.com> wrote:

> "Fedora users are revolting against a change introduced in the latest
> version of the operating system that allows the installation of
> thousands of software titles without an administrative password.
> Critics say the move diminishes the security of machines running the
> open-source OS by giving unprivileged users what amounts to
> administrative control. That could allow lower-level employees to
> install software that's not been approved by administrators, or worse,
> to gain root access by installing an application with a known security
> vulnerability and then intentionally exploiting it."
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/11/19/fedora_12_root_imbroglio/
> --
> Regards,
> Susmit.
> =============================================
> http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/user:susmit
> =============================================
> Sent from Calcutta, WB, India
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