Wikipedia update

Mel Chua mel at
Sun Nov 22 14:26:25 UTC 2009

On 11/17/2009 03:36 PM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> Does someone want to take the lead on this and update it? :)

Took a look at this just for fun now, and from the history, looks like 
Zvn, GurkLurk, Pmiossec, Antonio Lopez, Chargh, (and some guy named Paul 
Frields, who's that? ;) took care of it.

One of the editors is from Sweden, one is from France, one is from 
Canada, one is 14 years old, one plays the euphonium, one is a cattle 

Yep, I'm having a "whoa, open source marketing is cool" moment right now.


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