Video: 5 Fun Things in Fedora 12

Máirín Duffy mairin at
Mon Nov 30 17:18:09 UTC 2009

Hi María!

On Mon, 2009-11-30 at 12:27 -0430, María Leandro wrote:
> Excelent!!!

> There are some tools I didn't know so is awesome :D

> Thank you for this amazing clip, and I finally can hear your voice :P

Oh wow, I'm really glad I did this then - I think casual videos like
this can be a really cool way for each of us to show off what we know,
because I think everybody approaches Fedora a bit differently and
discovers different things so we can learn a lot from each other.
Sweet! :)

By the way, if anybody would like to submit translations, I can upload
them. YouTube seems to have a really cool captioning system and it seems
to auto-detect where each line should go in the video.

Here is the raw English transcript to translate:


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