In-depth profiles

Mel Chua mel at
Tue Oct 6 21:05:26 UTC 2009

> Do we have anybody picking up the interview tasks for any of the other
> features?

I'll take virt - it's something I've wanted to learn about for a while 
and now I finally have an excuse to ask questions about it. Woo!

> This was a tremendously useful effort for Fedora 11 and we got a lot
> of play out of it with journalists and other media venues.  As I
> mentioned earlier, I can definitely help provide people (developers)
> to answer interview questions.  It would be a shame if we had no
> feature profiles to show for what has been a very energetic,
> feature-packed release!

21:34:35 < mchua> mizmo: hm, think I could leave my sound recorder at 
Westford and then bribe people with cookies to sit down over lunch and 
talk about their features?
21:34:45 < mizmo> mchua: absolutely

We'll see how that goes. ;)


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