Self-introduction: Nick Bebout

Mel Chua mel at
Wed Oct 14 03:49:05 UTC 2009

On 10/13/2009 11:09 PM, Nick Bebout wrote:
> I'm Nick Bebout, from the Evansville, Indiana area.  I have been
> involved with Fedora for about a year, although more active in the past
> 6 months, as a member of the websites, infrastructure, and ambassador
> projects.  I've not had much practical experience in marketing, but have
> taken a few college classes as a part of my Associates degree in
> Business Administration.

Welcome, Nick! It'll be good to see you around Marketing as well - 
folks, Nick is an Ambassador and will be helping us with syncing up the 
two groups and making sure Marketing's aware of (and fulfilling!) the 
needs of Ambassadors.


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