Polish done Tuesday?

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Mon Oct 26 12:27:21 UTC 2009

On 10/25/2009 07:04 PM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> Hi Documenters and Marketeers,
> There are some late breaking but fairly minor changes happening that
> might affect screenshot making.  If anyone is working on bits with
> screenshots or screencaps, we are trying to get those all finalized by
> Tuesday so that people will be able to install from Rawhide on
> Wednesday to take those shots and captures:
> http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-desktop-list/2009-October/msg00260.html
> Please stay tuned and I'll keep you guys informed of any news that
> might affect that date.

Thanks for the heads-up, Paul - we'll make sure to schedule in the 
remaining deliverable sprints appropriately.

As a reminder, the things we have left to do

C: screenshots page
A: one-page release notes with docs (done, needs screenshots/pics)
B: briefing Ambassadors
F: set up for monitoring PR/news from the release
D: tour page

It sounds like this week we may want to set up D (except for 
screenshots) and perhaps do F as well.

Note that I'm leaving feature profiles off that list because we have one 
done (Paul's), one in editing (mine), and one on the way (Robyn's), so 
those are being taken care of.


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