[in the news] Fedora 13 praised for security and permissions enhancements

Kara Schiltz kschiltz at redhat.com
Mon Jun 21 21:19:03 UTC 2010


Fedora 13 praised for security and permissions enhancements

The community-driven Fedora 13 Linux distribution has been reviewed by 
/eWEEK,/ which was highly impressed with its cutting-edge enterprise 
features. The review praises Fedora security and permissions features 
such as the AccountsDialog user management 
<http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS5899605753.html#> utility, and it 
also likes the new command line interface for NetworkManager.

As was noted in our coverage of the _beta release of Fedora 13_ 
<http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS5419916040.html> in April, the new 
Fedora release has introduced a key features including automatic 
print-driver installation, the Btrfs filesystem, and enhanced 3D 
<http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS5899605753.html#> driver support. 
Released last month in final form, Fedora 13 has now been given the once 
over from the enterprise angle by Jason Brooks at our sister 
publication, /eWEEK/ (see farther below).
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