[In the news] 7.5 Reasons to Look Forward to Fedora 15

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 04:23:19 UTC 2011



"One of the reasons I watch Fedora closely is that it's a precursor for
enterprise Linux. Not just Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), though
that's certainly true. But advancements in Fedora usually make their way
into other major distributions, and Fedora is often the first distro to
ship cutting (sometimes bleeding) edge software. That's not to say that
the other community distros never do this, but Fedora makes a habit of
pushing the envelope.

Fedora 15 is no exception — it has quite a few major new features, as
well as a few enhancements that will likely influence the entire Linux
landscape in the near future"


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